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Problem- and Incident Analysis

You live and learn! Which pre-emptive measures can we take in order to avoid minor incidents and thus steer our ideas and decision-making to the safe side? Discover and try a simpler yet effective way to better organisational learning methods.

The incident analysis is an effective instrument to help discover and deal with disruptions. There are five central factors of success during the execution of an incident analysis. They help to improve the quality of information gathering as well as the quality of the surveyed data. This qualitative improvement can then be steered towards preventive measures.

Vital success factors of incident analysis:

  1. The starting point of the analysis is defined by the company’s overall goals. All contributing causes and not only the root cause are identified.
  2. All possible causes are documented not just the ‘root cause’
  3. The focus lies on prevention and not in finding the offender.
  4. The best solutions are selected from all potential solutions.
  5. The result of the analysis is actually the preventive measures to be taken.

These five success factors are integrated into the Cause Mapping Method. We will systematically guide you - using an Excel spreadsheet - through the three most important phases.

Step 1: Outline the issue

The first step is to ask the basic 5Ws. The Who question should be left out in order to avoid the blame game. The outline of the problem needs to specify the impact it had on the overall goals of the organisation.  Assigning a monetary value is a criterion to prioritize and prepare for the next step, i.e. the analysis of the problem.

Step 2: Analysis

The analysis is based on the impact of the overall goals leading to a cause-and-effect analysis. Using graphics, the team develops a so-called Cause Map to demonstrate the causal relationships that have developed. The evidence is directly attached to the cause-and-effect relationship.

Parallel to the cause-and-effect analysis, incidents and the processes need to be documented chronologically. Notes, photos etc., which are evidence for the analysis, can be documented in an Excel spreadsheet.

Step 3: Solution

As soon as the cause-and-effect analysis is graphically completed, you and your team will work out possible solutions. These solutions develop from the cause-and-effect relationship by simply proposing possible solutions in order to prevent the problem from occurring. The possible solutions are then built into the Cause Map.

At this point the solutions need to be reviewed for practicality and effectiveness. The outcome is the action plan. In this step the best solutions are assigned owners and due dates are implemented.

This system is outlined in an Excel spreadsheet, guiding you through the three steps while at the same time strengthens your knowledge base.